Gabby, I’m in tears. This is our story, too. But mine is now on year 7 when they said he only had 3 to 5 years at best. Keep going! Your story is so poignant, I cried when I read you listened for him snoring, something you used to hate. I know that one, too. The thing we found was a blend of modern medicine and integrative medicine has kept his aggressive stage 4 cancer from growing. It’s the same as it was 7 years ago, even a little less. His quality of life (also OURS) is better than ever. I read in one of the comments that curiosity can conquer fear. Everything we are doing has been guided by our continual curiosity and research about what’s being done in this country and other parts of the world. I’m so glad I read your article… beautifully written and connected with my heart. Sending you both my heartfelt wishes for many todays and tomorrows together.